You Can Help

The Sandown Conservation Commission needs your help to ensure that we continue to serve the people of Sandown.

You can help in a variety of ways...

Join the Conservation Commission
There may be a seat open for you to join the conservation commission. If you are interested, please email here to find out more about available openings and the procedure to join.
There are always opportunities for motivated volunteers to tackle projects that will improve Sandown and further our town’s conservation goals. Subcommittees can be created based on the skills of interested volunteers. For example, you could join the Trails Subcommittee to help build and maintain trails for public use. Or if you have an idea for an event that could be sponsored by the conservation commission, you could join the Event Subcommittee take the lead on running the event.
The conservation commission is working on a variety of projects. Examples include a Forest Management Plan and a trail system for public use. Please contact us to learn more about current and upcoming projects, or if you have an idea for a project or event.
Initiatives for Landowners
There are several ways you can help the town with land donation - while also positively impacting your own tax burden. View our page describing Private Landowner Options for Land Donation to learn more.
Be Informed
Learn more about conservation: what it means, how it affects your life, and how actions taken today can have a positive or negative impact on our shared future.