Fishing Derby

fishing derby

Join us Saturday April 27 for the 24th Annual Sandown Kid's Fishing Derby, hosted by the Sandown Conservation Commission!

The derby is open to kids ages 2-15 from Sandown and surrounding towns, and will be held at Sal's Pond, 45 Main Street Sandown, NH, from 7:30am-10am. Participants can arrive starting at 7am to set up!

Pre-registration and pre-payment ($3 per child/max $10 per family) is strongly recommended to limit lines and delays during the derby.

Pre-reg info:

Step 1: Click this link to Register 

Step 2: Please pay $3 per child at Select "cons com fishing derby fee" in donation drop-down (A $1 non-refundable convenience fee applies per transaction)

We look forward to seeing your families and young fisherpeople!