When Is a Building Permit Required?

The Zoning Ordinance of Sandown and the New Hampshire building codes state:
"It shall be unlawful to construct, add to, alter, remove or demolish, or to commence construction, addition, alteration, removal or demolition of a building or structure or install plumbing, sanitary disposal systems or electrical equipment, or modify the same for the operation of a building or structure or to convert any summer, recreational or other similar seasonal dwelling into a dwelling which is or is intended to be suitable for year-round habitation without first filing with the building official an application in writing and obtaining a formal permit."
A permit is required for any construction, addition, remodeling or demolition.
Re-roofing, re-shingling, vinyl siding and replacement windows require a permit.
Residential zone structures must be set back from the property line at least:
  • 30 feet to the front
  • 15 feet to the side or 8 feet to the side for detached structure only (pool, detached garage, barn, shed, coop, etc.) 
  • 10 feet to the rear
  • 50 feet from wetlands 
Business zone structures must be set back from the property line at least:
  • 35 feet to the front
  • 20 feet to the side
  • 20 feet to the rear
  • 50 feet from wetlands 
From the property line not the edge of pavement.  Corner lots have two fronts and two rear lines.
Swimming pools require a building and electrical permit - Pools must meet setbacks.
Sheds require a permit.
Owner occupants of single family dwellings are allowed (if qualified) to do their own electrical and plumbing.
Fences do not require a permit, but must be on your side or your property line.6 feet and under must comply with local codes, 7 feet and over must comply with state codes. 
Work started without a permit may be subject to fines of double the permit fee.
If you have any questions, please call Building Inspector, Paul D'Amore at (603) 867-6085.